Sigma Alpha Mu Headquarters is committed to providing the leading training and technology to ensure our chapter’s recruitment success for the upcoming year. In 2020 we partnered with Phired Up to provide every chapter with ChapterBuilder and access to become a Certified Recruiter. ChapterBuilder maximizes organization and communication between you, your recruitment committees, and potential new members.
Being on the same page as your recruitment team is essential to having a successful recruitment strategy. Without seamless communication, many potential new members fall through the cracks. For many chapters utilizing the program, the ability to add candidates and generate new leads, and following up with those potential new members has become easier.
Can your chapter improve its recruitment process? Always. Get certified today by looking for the link in your email. In order to promote more involvement with our Certified Recruiter Training, we are incentivizing certifications chapter-wide and individually to those that maximize their certifications. Reach out to a member of the Growth Team to set up a meeting and look out for our next post for more guidance.
Sigma Alpha Mu was founded in 1909 at the College of the City of New York as a fraternity of Jewish men; the organization has been open to all men of good moral character since 1953. Sigma Alpha Mu’s vision is to be the first choice of collegians seeking a forward-thinking, inclusive fraternity which enhances the university experience and prepares the fraternity member for a fulfilling life. With its International Headquarters located in Indianapolis, IN, the fraternity currently has 48 collegiate chapters and over 59,000 living alumni.