Annual Awards

Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity recognizes the success and achievements of undergraduate and alumni members, active chapters and alumni clubs, and interfraternal campus partners. Award categories include: Individual, Undergraduate Achievement, Chapter, and Alumni. Click the link at the end of the respective section to begin the application and/or nomination form. If you have any questions, please review the FAQ document below.

The deadline for applications and nominations is June 15.

Alumni Awards

Achievement Award

The Sigma Alpha Mu Achievement Award shall be presented annually to one Frater whose achievements in any sphere of life, except Fraternity activities, are deemed such as to merit recognition by the Fraternity, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Octagon.

Alumni Service Award

The Alumni Service Award shall be presented by the Octagon to alumni at the request of Alumni Clubs in recognition of continued service within the Fraternity. Each Alumni Club in good standing may nominate one such alumnus each year.

Certificate of Merit

The Certificate of Merit shall be awarded to such alumni whose service and achievements in community endeavors are deemed by the Octagon worthy of fraternal recognition.

Distinguished Service Award

The William P. Schwartz Distinguished Service Award shall be presented to alumni who have rendered service of such lasting and superlative quality to Sigma Alpha Mu as to merit signal recognition by the Fraternity, in accordance with rules adopted by the Octagon.

Alumni Club Trophy

An award shall be presented to the Alumni Club most deserving of recognition.

Interfraternity Award

The Sidney H. Guller Interfraternity Award shall be presented to an individual who is not a member of the Fraternity and whose service to the fraternity movement is deemed such as to merit recognition by the Fraternity, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Octagon.

Fraternal Service Award

The Harry B. Cohen Fraternal Service Award shall be presented to Fratres who have performed such exceptional service in the promotion of the growth and development of the Fraternity as to merit special recognition by the Fraternity, in accordance with rules adopted by the Octagon.

Volunteer of the Year

The Richard H. Williamson Volunteer of the Year Award shall be presented annually to the Frater whose volunteer efforts and contributions have made a significant difference to Sigma Alpha Mu’s success during the year and best exemplifies the dedication and selflessness of the man in whose honor this award has been named, in accordance with rules adopted by the Octagon.

Individual Awards

It is time to submit your nominations for the annual Individual Awards. These awards are presented on an annual basis at the Summer Convention.


  • Chapters may nominate as many fratres who meet the criteria for the award. (Example: If the chapter has two members who are varsity athletes and your chapter would like to nominate both for the Outstanding Athlete Award, you can.)
  • All officer nominees must have served a majority of the academic year to be eligible.
  • Submit one form per nominee/nomination.
  • All of the awards require supporting documentation. There is a section on the nomination form where you can upload that information (multiple documents can be uploaded).
  • Letter(s) of nomination should be a minimum of 1 page, double-spaced in length.  Letter(s) can be written by members, Council or Chapter Advisor.

The submission deadline for all awards is June 15.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Assistant Executive Director Jackie Gellinger at [email protected]

Prior of the Year

Awarded to the Chapter Prior who has performed the duties of his office most effectively during the year in which the award is given.

Vice Prior of the Year

Awarded to a Vice Prior who has performed the duties of his office most effectively during the year in which the award is given.

Exchequer of the Year

Awarded to the Exchequer who has performed the duties of his office most effectively during the year in which the award is given.

Recorder of the Year

Awarded to the Chapter Recorder who has performed the duties of his office most effectively during the year in which the award is given.

Alumni Recorder of the Year

Awarded to the Chapter Alumni Recorder who has been most deserving of recognition.

Recruiter of the Year

Awarded to an undergraduate frater who has made the most outstanding contributions to recruitment efforts.

Rabbi Liebman Award

Awarded to an undergraduate frater who has made the most outstanding contributions to religious endeavors in his campus community.

Outstanding Athlete Award

Awarded to the outstanding individual undergraduate varsity athlete in Sigma Alpha Mu.

Chapter Advisor of the Year

Awarded to an advisor for a Sigma Alpha Mu chapter who has shown outstanding support for chapter leaders and activities and is identified as a contributor to the Chapter’s success. 

Campus-Based Professional of the Year

Awarded to an employee of a host campus to a Sigma Alpha Mu Chapter who can be identified as a contributor to the Chapter’s success.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award

Awarded to an undergraduate frater who recognized an injustice in their community and took the initiative to create lasting change through education, programming, or the direct intervention of unjust practices.

Mental Health Awareness Award

Awarded to an undergraduate frater who is doing outstanding work to raise awareness for mental health issues, reduce prejudice around mental illness, and encourage help-seeking among their peers.

Undergraduate Achievement Awards

Undergraduate Achievement Awards

The Undergraduate Achievement award is presented to a Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Undergraduate frater who has shown extraordinary achievement in the previous academic year.


This is the most prestigious award within Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity that an undergraduate member can receive. The principal areas of accomplishment are campus activity, chapter contributions, and scholarship (athletic and cultural/religious endeavors may also be considered).


The following information needs to be uploaded with this nomination:

  • Brief statement from the nominee about his Fraternity experience and campus involvement accomplishments
  • Photo of the nominee
  • Nominee’s official academic transcript
  • Nominee’s resume
  • Letters of recommendation from the Chapter Council and/or Chapter Advisor

Chapter Awards

  • Chapters are encouraged to apply for each of the chapter-based awards.
  • All of the awards require supporting documentation. There is a section on the nomination form where you can upload that information (multiple documents can be uploaded). The nomination document should be a minimum of 1 page, double-spaced, and include an overview of why the chapter is deserving of the award.  This can be written by members, Council or Chapter Advisor. Additional supporting materials such as pictures, newspaper articles, thank you notes, letters from universities or other organizations on campus, etc. can be submitted to support the nomination.

The submission deadline for all awards is June 15, 2023.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Assistant Executive Director Jackie Hackett at [email protected].

Dedication to Philanthropy Award

Awarded to the chapter that created awareness and raised funds for a philanthropic organization through one or multiple events.

Dedication to Service Award

Awarded to the chapter that gave back to their campus or local community through acts of service.

Religious Endeavors Award

Awarded to the chapter that has made the most outstanding contributions to religious endeavors in its campus community.

Chapter Publications Award

Presented by the Octagon to that Chapter which, in the judgment of the Editors of the Octagonian, published the best Chapter papers during the year in which the award is given.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award

Awarded to a Chapter who recognized an injustice in their community and took the initiative to create lasting change through education, programming, or the direct intervention of unjust practices. With the nomination, please submit a letter as to why this work is important and how the chapter expects to see it continue to impact the community.

Chapter Innovation Award

This award was established to recognize a chapter’s efforts to improve their operations in a new and creative way.

Risk Management Award

This is awarded to a chapter that prioritizes risk management policies and procedures at their events in order to keep members and guests safe.

Mental Health Awareness Award

Awarded to a Chapter that has created programming to raise awareness for mental health issues, reduce prejudice around mental illness, and encourage help-seeking among their peers.

The following Chapter Awards will be determined on data submitted within the Chapter Performance Report and/or Headquarter reports. A nomination is not needed for these awards.

The Founders Cup

Awarded each year by a committee designated by the Octagon.  The award shall be made to the Chapter of highest merit measured in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Convention.  The Chapters of second and third highest merit shall receive honorable mention.

Jimmy Hammerstein Awards

Awarded annually to the Chapter of highest merit in each Province/Region, according to the Founders Cup computations.  No award shall be made in the Province/Region wherein the current Founders Cup Chapter is located.

Supreme Prior’s Award

Awarded annually to that Chapter which, in the opinion of the Octagon, shows the greatest general progress for the year in which it is given.

Dr. Alexander Lowy Scholarship Award

Awarded to the Chapter ranking highest in scholarship in accordance with interfraternity scholarship statistics.

Scholastic Recognition Award

Awarded to recognize those chapters that have exceeded their campus’s All Men’s Average in the academic year.

Philanthropy Award

Awarded to the chapter that donates the most amount of money per member in an academic year.

Community Service Award

Awarded to the chapter that completes the highest number of community service hours per member in an academic year.

Risk Management Award

Awarded to the chapter who prioritized the safety of members and guests and developed innovative and successful ways to prevent risk within their chapter.

Recruitment Excellence Award

Awarded to the chapters who best exemplify quality recruitment practices for the long-term sustainability and overall growth of their chapter.