AJ Davis Named Growth Consultant

Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity has named AJ Davis as a Growth Consultant. AJ graduated from  National Park College with an Associate of Science in Business. AJ also attended Arkansas Tech where he joined Alpha Tau Omega in 2019. As a Growth Consultant, AJ will join efforts related to successful growth and expansion while supporting active and provisional chapters, and developing recruitment resources. He has significant professional experience and insight which aligns with our strategic priority of growth.

“AJ is an enthusiastic addition to our team.” shared Executive Director Andy Huston. “He values the impact that brotherhood makes among college men and is excited to facilitate that process in this role. AJ has a demonstrated work history of excellent customer service and engagement that will undoubtedly benefit the development of campus partnerships and positive member experience associated with our expansion efforts.”

Growth Consultant AJ Davis shared, “I believe in meeting members where they are at is a requirement to build that level of friendship and trust. I am excited to travel and acclimate to new communities where I will develop new relationships with Sammys and those soon-to-join. I appreciate the opportunity to learn from everyone about Sammy’s history, and look forward to guiding our active members.”

AJ lives in Russellville, Arkansas, and has an affinity for experiencing the outdoors. He shares his love for hiking and new found hobby of rock climbing. As a self-professed cinephile, you can often find AJ breaking down films and television shows. 

Sigma Alpha Mu was founded in 1909 at the College of the City of New York as a fraternity of Jewish men; the organization has been open to all men of good moral character since 1953. Sigma Alpha Mu’s vision is to be the first choice of collegians seeking a forward-thinking, inclusive fraternity which enhances the university experience and prepares the fraternity member for a fulfilling life. With its International Headquarters located in Indianapolis, IN, the fraternity currently has 48 collegiate chapters and over 59,000 living alumni.