Tell us about your individual accomplishment, award, or news by contacting the Director of Alumni Engagement at [email protected].
Bob Zaltsberg (Miami OH, ‘75) will be inducted into the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame in October 2020
Zaltsberg retired last year after 33 years as editor of the Bloomington Herald-Times. He led the newspaper through the transition from afternoon to morning circulation, through the addition of a Sunday edition, into the digital age and, along the way, collected two Blue Ribbon Newspaper honors. He was involved in the Bloomington community as well as state and national journalism organizations. He was involved in the Bloomington community as well as state and national journalism organizations. Colleagues say, “his respectful, steady hand allowed him to run the newspaper the way a top-notch conductor runs a symphony.”
Sigma Delta at Rutgers Alumni Event Fall 2021
The Centennial Reunion for the Sigma Delta Chapter of Rutgers University will take place on Saturday, October 2, 2021, at The Heldrich Hotel, New Brunswick, NJ Cost from 6-10 PM EDT. Registration for this event costs $150 per attendee. To find more information, go to If you have questions, please email, David “BB” Brooks, (Rutgers, ’87) at [email protected].