Applications to be considered for the Undergraduate Advisory Committee are due May 15, 2024.

  • What is the Undergraduate Advisory Committee?

  • Convened under the advisement of the Young Alumnus Consul, this committee is made up of active, undergraduate members for a term of one year (Convention to Convention). While a committee member, each frater will be asked to provide the undergraduate perspective on several different initiatives/issues that are being discussed by the Octagon. Each member will be invited to the Octagon’s monthly meetings, where these thoughts will be presented and included in impactful discussions. Ultimately, this is a unique opportunity to ensure that active fratres have an advocate with direct knowledge of the challenges facing university students today.

  • What is this application used for?

  • The current Young Alumnus Consul, Patrick J. Wright, III, and the current UAC will serve as a nominating committee ahead of Convention. Our goal with this form is to select the strongest candidates amongst those who apply to have the opportunity to run during the Convention business session for the chance to be elected by the undergraduate Convention delegates.

  • Questions

  • Note to Nominee: Please respond to the following questions to the best of your ability. This form is to provide the current Undergraduate Advisory Committee and Young Alumnus Consul the best information possible regarding your experience and motivation. Completion of this form does not guarantee you a place on the UAC, that is determined by a vote of the undergraduate delegates at Convention. You are welcome to complete these questions below or email your application to [email protected]!